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Best Time to Visit Israel

The best time to visit Israel depends on a number of factors such as weather and whether you prefer to visit off-season.

November and December have weather that ranges between beautiful spring days and nice fall days.

One time a good friend of mine was visiting during the last week in December.

We spent the first day in Tel Aviv where he was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and the second day was spent in Jerusalem where I wore a light sweater.

Mid-January until mid-February is the coldest time of year, but by late February through March the weather feels like spring.

April is often still nice, unless there are heatwaves and then the temperatures can reach the low 90s (around 32C).

The summer is the most popular because it is when school is out so it is easiest to come on a vacation.

However, June through September is the hottest time of year, making them the least comfortable for walking around and touring.

October and April can also be nice times to visit, but you also run the risk of heatwaves making them feel like summer.

So, as far as weather is concerned, the best times of year to visit is November through December as well as March.

Chanukah is in December, causing Jerusalem to feel enchanted when walking in town at night, and winter break makes it a continent time to visit.

However, flights and car rentals are always smore expensive during the holiday season.

People often want to come during spring break for Pesach (Passover), but keep in mind the food scene is limited during this particular holiday.

So, when asked what the best time to visit Israel is, I always recommend coming in November or March, and December for convenience and charm as long as you don’t mind the high prices.

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