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Jabotinsky Museum

The Jabotinsky Museum, located in Tel Aviv, tells the story of Ze’ev Jabotinsky, illustrating life in the underground and the Af Al Pi Aliyah by Betar and the Irgun

The museum also exhibits documentary films about Zionist leader Jabotinsky, the Irgun, clandestine immigration, and more.

Jabotinsky was known mostly for his called to establish a Jewish state and the creation of a Jewish majority in the Land of Israel, and the political struggle which he conducted for its realization.

The exhibition at the museum includes documents, press clippings, photographs and films, weapons and audio-visual models illustrating the organization’s activities.

The museum displays the activities of the Irgun and the qualities and values ​​that the Irgun and the other undergrounds instilled in the IDF. 

A special wall in the museum is dedicated to the story of the gallows in Acre, immigrants, and Irgun fighters who fell in the struggle.

For that purpose he founded the Revisionist faction of Zionism and the Beitar movement.

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